Friday 17 February 2012

Friday Wondering - Your Real Avatar

Each Friday I'm posting a "Friday Wondering". These posts are meant to explore & discuss observations or issues which I think would benefit from discussion. Participation is open to absolutely anyone regardless of their expertise or knowledge. Just bring your curiosity!

If you'd like to discuss on Twitter rather than here then why not. It would help though if you could use the #FridayWondering hashtag. Thanks!

Your Real Avatar
An exchange with @StirTheSource and @MJCarty the other week explored in a few brief exchanges the meaning behind the image we use on Twitter, or for that matter elsewhere.

If you think about corporate profiles, photos generally represent the "pretty veneer" of ourselves.  They make some statement about our perceived style e.g. smart suit = professional.  Even our corporate logos have a narrative attached to them...  But it is a veneer that is represented.

What about the real you?  What image would convey more of the person behind the veneer?  I think Twitter provides an environment where people can do this through their avatars.  It provides another way of conveying aspects of their life, beliefs or values that they want to share.

What does your avatar say about you?

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